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Service to the schools of Iowa comprises a significant portion of the mission and purpose of Price Laboratory School at the University of Northern Iowa. Consistent with this mission, the purpose of IOWA HISTORY ONLINE is to provide Iowa history teachers across the state with high quality instructional tools and online access to excellent teaching resources.

In the spring of 2001, the State Historical Society of Iowa conducted a survey of Iowa history teachers to determine their specific instructional needs. Based upon the recommendations resulting from this survey, this site is organized around 10 “Frequently Asked Questions” which address the needs Iowa teachers consistently cited when responding to the survey.

In undertaking this important task, Price Laboratory School has solicited the cooperation and support from numerous educational and cultural organizations throughout the state whose interest it is to support high quality Iowa history instruction. Affiliate organizations help shape the contents of the site and disseminate information to their individual constituencies.

Copyright 2008 Iowa History Online.
Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Lynn Nielsen, Project Director
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA