*This activity can be modified for most grade levels. Grades 1-2 can work in large groups to create the timeline and grades 3-5 can work in smaller groups. Older grades can work in pairs or alone to create presentations on specific timeframes and ethnic groups.
Examine the various instruments used in polka music. Borrow instruments from band department or other sources (accordion, if possible). Students can read books about different types of accordions. Explore Resources.
Learn more by visiting websites:
Go to the Polka Unit and listen to the audio clips
*This activity most appropriate for grade 3-6, but may be modified for older grades by expanding the activity to include a demonstration of how the instruments are made and played.
Students will visit various sites to learn about local and regional artists and discuss the various styles and influences (big band, Dutchman, etc).
Review material:
Go to the Polka Unit and listen to the audio clips
Students will explore how polka music has influenced other cultural traditions, such as conjunto and norteño music in Texas and their migration to the upper Midwest. See online resources: